- Working days: Monday - Saturday (GTM-4). Outside these hours the response will be slow.
-If you apply for a job I may not accept it right away, the possible reason is that I am currently working in several places, please contact me by mail or instagram.
-Please prepare photo references for any assignment.
-I will ask for payment when the sketch is done and approved (except Experimental Art).
-If the price is very high, one half will be charged at the beginning and the other half to deliver the project, if it is not considerably high the payment will be made in full.
-Once paid, no refunds will be accepted. If you buy will be in accordance with the time and price established.
-I only receive payments by the means I use (Paypal and Binance). Other payment methods are not accepted.
-The extra charge used by the payment platform is charged, the customer is informed before paying everything on the invoice.
-Most slots will receive a progress update, except for the experimental sketch,
-Most slots can be edited 5 times during progress except Experimental Sketch (which has no edit request),
-The result will be on my Portfolio, Instagram or other public domain. You can say 'no' and I won't show it or take it down.
-If you are going to use it for commercial purposes, please send me a note and credit me. Please note for COMMERCIAL use, the price will be DOUBLE. be warned.