- Grant of Rights
The commissioner are allowed to;
Use the copyrighted artwork for personal use only unless agreed otherwise.
Print the art, and claim the right of their character(s) but not the drawing itself.
Use the art to promote themselves with proper credit given to the artist.
If you break the copyright infringement in any way, every right you had to the drawing will be retracted.
- Artist's Right to Authorship Credit
Artist may use Work in Artist's portfolio (including, but not limited to, any website that displays Artist's works) unless discussed otherwise. Commissioner and Artist agree that when asked, Commissioner must properly identify Artist as the creator of Work. Commissioner does not have a proactive duty to display Artist's name together with Work, but Commissioner may not seek to mislead others that Work was created by anyone other than Artist.
- Commissioner Accepts Artist's Creative Vision
Commissioner agrees that Artist will complete Work in Artist's creative style at Artist's sole discretion. If Commissioner refuses to receive Work or demands Work be redone, it is understood and agreed that Commissioner is canceling the Agreement, and no fee will be refunded.
- Cancellation, and Expiration
The fee for Work is non-refundable. If Commissioner nonetheless does not want or refuses to receive Work, Artist may decide whether or not to complete Work, and will exclusively retain all right to Work. This agreement expires if it is verbally or through writing (including, but not limited to, by e-mail or text chat) withdrawn by Artist.
- Limitation of Liability
Commissioner agrees that Artist will not be liable for any damages (including, but not limited to, incidental or consequential damages), that arise from Artist's performance of this commission (including, but not limited to, failure to perform in a timely manner, regardless of whether the failure was intentional or negligent.