Before you send me a message, please take some time and search for references of what you want. Literally any image is useful. Pose references, lighting, mood, other artworks you like and think fits your vision of the project. Even a stickman drawing works (and it helps more than you think).
After deciding which category best serves you, send me a message through my instagram or discord. Together with the image references, take some time and write a description of the general idea and a description of the characters.
You can request for any character you might like or commission a photo that you love or even a character that you created!
If everything is okay, I’ll send you my Paypal and after the payment I’ll start our project.
Usually I’ll send you updates from 4 steps and just after you approve them I’ll go to the next. Keep in mind that, after your approval there’s ANY CHANGE WILL COST ADDITIONAL 15$. The steps are: