Please read these before contacting me for a commission, it’s assumed you agree with everything below and the full ToS in my website on the moment you make the payment. If you have any question about specifics feel free to contact me at or @random_pwoop on twitter.
On the act of soliciting your commission, you MUST have clear references for each expecification of your drawing, anything that can help me understand perfectly your demmand, incluiding texts; drawings; pictures; sketchs (even very simple ones) and storyboards (in case of comic commissions).
In case of lacking clear and specific orientations or having ambiguous ones, I reserve the rights of going through the process with my own interpretation of your request and informations. Futhermore, after beginning your request, I will not be doing drastic changes due the lack of clear informations or ambiguous ones on the part of the commissioner.
Read the full ToS on: