Since I’m offering a product, it’s good to be sure that you want to complete the commission ordering. I’ll be pleased to talk to you on other platforms (like my instagram account, or e-mail) to send sketches and update you of your the artwork’s progress or discuss some changes you may want to make or even on site’s private message tool.
Instagram profile link and e-mail address are both right on homepage section.
•You may not resell my drawings/artworks and do not take credits on them ;
•Give credits on social media when sharing the drawing/ artwork, as well if you’re using a concept developed by me on a game, book, etc. ;
• I put a lot of soul on my job, I’ll deliver the best of me in every piece, with a lot of details. Said that, it may take a longer time to deliver your drawing/artwork ;
• I’ll deliver you a high-quality scanned version of the drawing/artwork, since sending the original piece to another country would increase a lot the commission’s price. If you opt to have the original piece in hands, the cost to send It to you will be added on the ordering’s price. National orderings can discuss to adjust the price to have the drawing sent via mail ;
•Since I don’t create digital artworks, I rather keep the original ones with me. If you want or need to have the oringinal one, the price we will deal the new price (remember, it’s way higher than a print or a copy).