• T1 - This artist has successfully completed over 10 commissions.
  • T2 - This artist has successfully completed over 20 commissions.
  • T3 - This artist has successfully completed over 50 commissions.
  • T4 - This artist has successfully completed over 100 commissions.
  • T5 - This artist has successfully completed over 500 commissions.
Verified Artist
Member Since August 2016
26 completed commissions

This is an Artists&Clients: Artist account.

Last Active: 2 months ago


Hi, everyone. I'm Dicky ^^ If you think my style of drawing meets your script or characters you want, just send me the message. I'd be so happy to answer any questions or do the work the way you like it.


This user is an artist
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This artist is currently working on 0 job.