Book cover
by Faruel2

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Job Details

second time posting this due to an error and currency discrepancy. what I want is someone to take my basic mockup and create an actual book cover. the following is a clarification of what I'm looking for. the central figure is a dragon looking at the reader and should have a more compleat body than what I could piece together. the six wings coming from its back are blue fire phoenix wings enhanced by lightning effects. the hands holding the orbs should be part of the dragon and thus more draconic. the planet on the left is being destroyed by a meteor while the other is idyllic. the tunnel between world is a passage of souls ferrying them from one world to the other and the space background is used to signify a grand scale as this thing is an in-story god. the title can be included however you think it will fit best. I intend to make several books in a series if the first is successful with the additional covers changing the dragons hand positioning and what is happening between.

Budget : $60
Timeframe : 2MONTHS